Due to the sad passing of our much-admired Club President, Peter “Chipper” Bryant last year our annual cricket match celebrating Presidents Day did not go ahead. 

As this match is a club tradition at Wickford Cricket Club and wishing to keep this tradition going I, as the new Club President have asked our present Club Captain, Iain Letch, to put teams together to celebrate the day by a 30 over match.

I would like to invite you, and your family, to this special day for Wickford Cricket Club. The match will be held at our Patmore Memorial Ground on SUNDAY 2nd JULY with a 1PM start. The format will be coloured clothing, of the players home club, pink cricket balls, 30 overs per side with an extended tea break between innings.

The match this year will be between a Club Presidents XI and a Club Captains XI. Iain has worked very hard to put two competitive teams together which I thank him for. To make this match even more competitive we have asked our two South African brothers, Calum and Cameron Brown to captain respective side, this we hope will add a bit of “sibling “rivalry to the match. 

Pam and I would love to see you at the club to celebrate the day. The bar will be open and there will be a sumptuous buffet for us all to enjoy. 

Kind regards, 

David John Letch

Wickford CC Club President.