Dear Members, 
As this is my first full year as Club President of Wickford Cricket Club I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members and their families a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year.
We start off this coming year and new cricket season with a blank canvas!!
We as a club are fortunate to have some very hard working volunteers in place for the coming season who have the well being of Wickford Cricket Club at heart and are determined to make WCC a club to be envied throughout Essex Cricket. We may not reach the dizzy heights of the best cricket team in Essex but we should ALL be looking to make us the best we can be, on the playing field, our facilities and our social life. We certainly have the management committee in place this year to reach these goals but we do need other members to “do their bit”. If you do feel that you could help in some way in assisting please do not hesitate in contacting one of the committee members to offer your help.
As far as my position in the club, I am very proud and honoured to be able to serve the club in this prestigious position. Following in the foot steps of Peter “Chipper” Bryant will be no easy task but I hope to use my experience gained from working for Essex Cricket over a 15 year period to assist in any way I can.
Here’s looking forward to a good year on and off the field, let’s all rally around and really enjoy our cricket and cricket club.
David John Letch.
Club President