As you will be aware the FIFA World Cup 2022 is nearly upon us and to mark this event, Wickford Cricket Club are running a competition.
The idea is to seed each team from 1 to 32, with 32 being allocated to the team that you think will win the most games.  For every win you amass the points you have seeded the team, i.e., you seed England at 32 and Holland at 25, every win for England you gain 32 points and every win for Holland you gain 25 points.  For a draw add the points for the two competing teams together and then divide by 2.  The person with the most points at the end of the competition will be the winner.
The rules of the game are below, and the entry form is attached. 
    1. Each country must be seeded from 1 to 32
    2. No points for a loss
    3. A draw will result in both teams “seeded score” being added together and divided by 2
    4. A win gains the “seeded score”
    5. In the event of a game going to extra time and/or penalties the “seeded score” will be allocated to the winning side.
    6. Entries must be received by no later than 5.00 p.m. Friday 18th November 2022.
    7. The prize money will be allocated as follows
    • 35% to the winner
    • 25% to the second place
    • 15% to the third place
    • 25% to Wickford Cricket Club
Family and friends are welcome to enter, and you can submit more than 1 entry, if you wish to.
The cost of £5.00 per entry will cover prize money and a donation to the Club. Entry fees to be paid direct to the Clubs bank account:- Wickford Cricket Club, Bank code – 20-04-96, account number 70683450.
The total prize fund will depend upon the number of entries.
Email completed entry forms to [email protected]