Dear Member
Annual General Meeting
Please find underneath the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Wickford Cricket Club to be held in the pavilion on Friday 2nd December 2022, commencing at 20:00.
I have also attached the following documents:
(B) AGM – 2022 Annex ii – Recommendation for subscriptions (item 8 of the Agenda).
(C)  Minutes of the AGM held on Friday 3rd December 2021 – AGM – 2021 Minutes
(D)  Minutes of the SGM held on Tuesday 31st May 2022 – SGM – 2022 Minutes
(E)   Various reports.
(F)   The Statement of accounts for the financial year 2021/2022 – AGM – 2022 Annual Accounts
Please bring your own copies to the meeting if required as no copies will be provided on the night.
I hope as many members as possible can join us on the night.
Alan Moss
(Hon Secretary)
Wickford Cricket Club
Annual General Meeting Friday 2nd December 2022
Commencing 20:00
1.         Apologies for absence.
2.         Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Friday 3rd December 2021 – to confirm and adopt.
3.         Matters arising from the Annual General Meeting minutes.
4.         Minutes of the Special General Meeting held on 31st May 2022 – to confirm and adopt.
5.         Matters arising from the Special General Meeting minutes.
6.         Chairman’s report.
7.         Treasurer’s report and statement of accounts for the financial year 2021/2022 – to adopt.
8.         Subscriptions – to consider the recommendation from the retiring Management Committee as set out in Annex II.
9.         Election of President.
10.        Election of Officers and Committees as set out in Annex I.
11.        Appointment of Auditor.