Please find below notification of this year’s Annual General Meeting.
Prior to the meeting I would like to advise you that the Club is dependant upon many volunteers to keep the Club running. There are many roles that need volunteers so any help is welcome. If you wish to help, in any way, please let me or another member of the Management Committee know.
Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of Wickford Cricket Club will be held in the pavilion on Friday 2nd December 2022, commencing at 20:00.
The Statement of Accounts for the financial year 2021/22, the Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting, the minutes of the SGM held on 31st May 2022, and the Chairman’s report will be sent by email together with the final agenda on Friday 25th November.
Draft agenda: –
1.      Apologies for absence.
2.      Minutes of the AGM held on Friday 3rd December 2021.
3.      Matters arising from the AGM minutes.
4.      Minutes of the SGM held on 31st May 2022.
5.      Matters arising from the SGM minutes.
6.      Chairman’s report.
7.      Treasurer’s report.
8.      To consider resolution[s] as may be duly submitted.
9.      Subscriptions.
10.   Election of President.
11.   Election of Officers and Committees.
12.   Appointment of Auditor.
If members wish a resolution or business to be considered at this meeting, then it should be submitted to the Secretary by no later than 4th November. This will enable members to be notified by 11th November (see clause 10.4 of the Constitution & rules).
The Management Committee is not proposing any resolutions for the 2022 AGM.
The retiring Management Committee is recommending that “Subscriptions for the various categories of Membership for the year 2022-2023 shall be unchanged as set out in the following table”.
Playing Membership
Retired/Senior Citizen
Full playing
Part time, education & working
Unemployed or in full time education
Full Member
Associate Member
Junior Member
Under 11
Under 13
Under 18
Playing Members, excluding juniors, will receive a reduction of £10 if payment of subscriptions is made in full before 30th April 2023.
All subscriptions shall be due at midnight following the close of the Annual General Meeting and any member whose subscription remains unpaid after 30th April 2023 may forfeit their right to selection and/or right of access until the subscription is paid.
If there are no other resolutions or business, either from members or from the Management Committee, then no further notification of resolutions will be made because the requirement of giving not less than twenty-one days’ notice will have been fulfilled by the inclusion in this notice. However, if any other resolutions are received in the meantime, then sufficient notice will be given in order that members will have the opportunity of submitting amendments. Any such amendments should be submitted to the Secretary by no later than 18th November. All resolutions and amendments will be included in the final agenda which will be dispatched closer to the actual date of the AGM.